Industrial Metrology today
What is industrial metrology today?
In the next few lines, we tackle the topic of industrial metrology.
We will discover a new interpretation of metrology, which links efficiency and traceability, greatly enhancing the methods of production.
Are you ready?
Let's start with the definition:
Industrial metrology is the science of measurement applied to industrial processes.
Let's refer, as a simple example, to dimensional quantities such as length and width of a component.
You realize that the exact certainty of these measurements in your manufactured goods is fundamental in the industrial sector.
A batch not conform to the specifications will be easily disputed and perhaps not paid for.
That is why measurements is an essential phase of the production process, to guarantee product conformity to the project, regulatory standards, the customer's specifications, legal parameters, etc.
What is the cost of non-compliance?
The cost of a non-conforming order often exceeds the value of the goods produced. It can force recalls of the finished product that has already been introduced to the market, it can cause damage to your company's image , loss of customers or even incur penalties, cause injuries, or violate the law.
From consumer analysis we find that a brand's reputation is heavily threatened by the occurrence of non-compliance, almost as much as it is damaged by putting safety or health at risk.
This is because non-compliance threatsens trust, the core value of a brand today.
That's why, in order to avoid shipping orders and receiving complaints, all companies operating in advanced markets have an effective quality control system that includes an in depth dimensional check before shipping.
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Industrial metrology today:
For years now, metrological control, has been an essential step in the production process.
As a phase of the productive process, the activity of quality control an operating time and cost.
For a long time, people have tried to avoid quality control as much as possible, considering it a cost that the final customer cannot appreciate as an added value.
Even today, in many emerging countries oriented to produce in large quantities, quality control is reduced to a minimum so as to not slow down production capacity.
An important role in the change of mindset was brought about by the race for brand recognition.
What links quality to a brand?
For a moment, don't just think about brand as simply a logo or a sign.
Brand is the promise the company makes to its customer. A brand that produces "often" non-conforming pieces is a brand that doesn't deliver based on that promise.
That's why all the big brands demand that their suppliers guarantee quality by introducing dimensional controls or simple visual inspections, thus controlling both functionality and aesthetics.
Is industrial metrology today an up-to-date solution?
Today, measurements that enable conformity assessments are the foundation of every business.
Metrology rooms with an ever-increasing number of different instruments are often a bottleneck for production and a "bottomless pit" in terms of labor costs.
As if that were not enough, numerous different instruments, with different software packages, drain hours of training time for new employees who must learn new methods, regulations and the use of the same measuring instruments.
Today we can say that quality control, as it used to be, is no longer sustainable.
Intercepting waste is fundamental, but it's not enough. Waste must be avoided at the source.

What are the characteristics of industrial metrology?
Industrial metrology must become a real aid to the production process.
Today it is not always necessary to produce more, but to produce better.
Industrial metrology applications must support production. The data collected must help to correct the process. If the process cannot be corrected, at least it must be stopped before it produces waste scrap.
The recent changes in consumers, technologies and habits cause us to face new requirements. The variability of applications increases. Flexibility becomes a winning weapon for companies.
All this amplifies the need for an industrial metrology methods able to provide rapid, objective, and usable indications for industrial processes.
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What are the most widely used tools today? And which are the most suitable?
We can divide tools into four macro-categories:
We will discover a new interpretation of metrology, which links efficiency and traceability, greatly enhancing the methods of production.
Are you ready?
Let's start with the definition:
Industrial metrology is the science of measurement applied to industrial processes.
Let's refer, as a simple example, to dimensional quantities such as length and width of a component.
You realize that the exact certainty of these measurements in your manufactured goods is fundamental in the industrial sector.
A batch not conform to the specifications will be easily disputed and perhaps not paid for.
That is why measurements is an essential phase of the production process, to guarantee product conformity to the project, regulatory standards, the customer's specifications, legal parameters, etc.
What is the cost of non-compliance?
The cost of a non-conforming order often exceeds the value of the goods produced. It can force recalls of the finished product that has already been introduced to the market, it can cause damage to your company's image , loss of customers or even incur penalties, cause injuries, or violate the law.
From consumer analysis we find that a brand's reputation is heavily threatened by the occurrence of non-compliance, almost as much as it is damaged by putting safety or health at risk.
This is because non-compliance threatsens trust, the core value of a brand today.
That's why, in order to avoid shipping orders and receiving complaints, all companies operating in advanced markets have an effective quality control system that includes an in depth dimensional check before shipping.
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Industrial metrology today:
For years now, metrological control, has been an essential step in the production process.
As a phase of the productive process, the activity of quality control an operating time and cost.
For a long time, people have tried to avoid quality control as much as possible, considering it a cost that the final customer cannot appreciate as an added value.
Even today, in many emerging countries oriented to produce in large quantities, quality control is reduced to a minimum so as to not slow down production capacity.
An important role in the change of mindset was brought about by the race for brand recognition.
What links quality to a brand?
For a moment, don't just think about brand as simply a logo or a sign.
Brand is the promise the company makes to its customer. A brand that produces "often" non-conforming pieces is a brand that doesn't deliver based on that promise.
That's why all the big brands demand that their suppliers guarantee quality by introducing dimensional controls or simple visual inspections, thus controlling both functionality and aesthetics.
Is industrial metrology today an up-to-date solution?
Today, measurements that enable conformity assessments are the foundation of every business.
Metrology rooms with an ever-increasing number of different instruments are often a bottleneck for production and a "bottomless pit" in terms of labor costs.
As if that were not enough, numerous different instruments, with different software packages, drain hours of training time for new employees who must learn new methods, regulations and the use of the same measuring instruments.
Today we can say that quality control, as it used to be, is no longer sustainable.
Intercepting waste is fundamental, but it's not enough. Waste must be avoided at the source.

What are the characteristics of industrial metrology?
Industrial metrology must become a real aid to the production process.
Today it is not always necessary to produce more, but to produce better.
Industrial metrology applications must support production. The data collected must help to correct the process. If the process cannot be corrected, at least it must be stopped before it produces waste scrap.
The recent changes in consumers, technologies and habits cause us to face new requirements. The variability of applications increases. Flexibility becomes a winning weapon for companies.
All this amplifies the need for an industrial metrology methods able to provide rapid, objective, and usable indications for industrial processes.
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What are the most widely used tools today? And which are the most suitable?
We can divide tools into four macro-categories:
1. Manual measuring instruments
2. Control benches
3. Semi-automatic measuring systems
4. Automatic inspection tools
2. Control benches
3. Semi-automatic measuring systems
4. Automatic inspection tools

The choice between these instruments varies greatly from situation to situation.
There are many elements to consider, from the accuracy required, to the speed of measurement, as well as ease of use.
In the world of measuring instruments, technological development is pushing towards automated, fast and flexible solutions.
Instruments that were once very expensive are now more accessible.
Basically, it is impossible to say which is the best optical measuring machine or the best control instrument in absolute terms.
Today the parameters of choice are no longer what they used to be.
More attention is paid to precision and completeness of functionality.
Today, a measuring tool must meet process requirements such as speed and environment of use, always keeping the human factor in mind.
Often the objectivity of an automatic measurement,the simplicity of use, and the practicality of clamping assumes greater importance than the accuracy of the instrument itself.
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